I attach to the message once a reasonably high level of truth, is, after all, BBC. And after the Israelis have apparently been bred in the Red Sea Killerhai one, not even making the front trunk fixed Serbian Acapulco jumpers stop, the story makes it to the Saudi vultures spy even perfect sense. Mandatory.
in the Saudi city Hyaal (Google Maps but it does not) a vulture with a GPS tracker in the Tel Aviv University has discovered why he was immediately handed over the security forces. The tracker is on the position, speed and distance information according to distance covered, that is, it is relatively poorly for espionage.
Whatever. The week is over, you can write again, so does one's too. And if such amusing anecdotes from the lives of bored sand dust counter in the middle of nowhere, Saudi Arabia.
Kwöll: BBC News Online reporting
well soon and good Shabbes!
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