If I had something missing from Berlin, then it would definitely have been the crocuses that bloom in the spring always means the islands! But look, even in Scotland there are "Crocus" and I 'm so happy! :) *

That was last Sunday on my way to the "Sunday Brunch Club Meeting will be the first time the eponymous event: For brunch on Sunday. But I have to give Berlin necessarily the better grade: Brunch in British Landing is then always the same: fried food, fried food, fried ... But at least in a beautiful building - but unfortunately in the cellar, that it was nothing of the beautiful weather mitzubekommen! : (*

And who's believes: we played like the children's birthday what the age of most participants first something "unreal" came over, but at the end of the day!. super fanned. I'm feeling great amusement!
mummy wrap with toilet paper knows everyone, right? - No further comment.

pride I was on my "Guess my bluff" game result. This requires good intuition, and has not left me apparently. Very funny: Each is considered to be 3 stories, two of which are untrue but are likely and a true but unlikely. Everyone from the front of his round with three stories, and the others must have 3 questions and then advises each of the history that he / she felt was the true one. What advice has most jewonnen!
For example: "Did either their K. have breast surgery, it was Edinburgh's school champion in the high jump (probably before the "boop job") or it is illegal in Edinburgh "
The stories were sometimes really great -? had to be advised about me if I times with the University of traveled to Libya in the desert, am I a motorcycle obsession or the Berlin marathon I ran. Who would you know? Some, right? Haha, good idea was to take something that has made little sister. This could I ask cool counter to the cross-examination, which has made it all the more believable. Bluff Bang Bang.
But even better Bluff came from my friend Kirsty, who claimed she was "huge" football fan and had a season ticket to the Edinburgh Huff. When asked what is the name of the goalkeeper, "Oh ... no idea the big guy holding ..." came --- And ick thought so ... sorry, but we have surely disproved time and quickly debunked! --- No, the insolent bluff has yet smooth gedoppel-... The card is real! --- I think we'll soon be time to go watch football! * Smile *... so far so good. - No news from "the list" yet - keep you posted.
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