So ... ma must say the last few weeks have been turbulent, therefore some Schreibfäule my part! ;) Watt allit iss happened?
Erstma am ick Jewes in Balin, wa? And had the first weekend of New Zealand Accompaniment brought to ma through with a bit of the tourist-tour ... Funny was that I was lying almost punished with my eternal "also in Edinburgh and Scotland are always so friendly all sooo ..." - I still have NEVER SO nice bus or taxi driver (in) experienced as on the weekend when Sarah was! Ha! Perhaps also lags on my Plauderlaune, but people have to almost pulled a leg, to help us. Set right with me. Berlin has thus shown from the best.
Aprospros Touriprogramm - Here we are both in front of the Charlottenburg Palace - and it was sunny too! Yeah!
this well (s) couple in love:) *

But the biggest was then on Thursday a call that I have a new JOB! Wohooo! From 21 April, I can it was time to walk-in editor climes and my favorite topic to pursue "Travel in Scotland" haha. Who would have thought it? - I start really as a content editor for VisitScotland . 'm Sooo excited to see what That means, and certainly well on it since then! Right now, I still imagine that I try B & Bs and golf courses " must be "or something like that-I would fit in the stuff ...; o) brings me probably soon be a reality, but one can dream so times, or
So ... until next post
allit love. .. of the B.
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