Saturday, March 5, 2011

What To Do At Aka Interest Events

And would you do? Hering has 1.0

Estimated readership, after weeks of hesitation and reluctance, after months of uncertainty and sleepless nights it has finally come. Rosh Chodesh Adar II in time for it is here to change at an infinite questionable and prepared all our lives.


The first Passover Chumre I was informed yesterday evening from the Mullah center. Hold fast to you, after a long absence, celebrates the dreaded Ink Chametz a comeback. You remember, meaning the print date of laying the eggs which is said of the used ink they had Chametz (rumored to be addicted to dogs just after this ink ...). There may order to solve this "problem" is now to buy special pots so you can cook the eggs. Um, yes clear?

It to prohibit any comment and the top mullahs and muftis to point out that to comply with that provision, the immediate exile to Gehenom has resulted.

a kosher Passover!


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