Thursday, August 14, 2008

When Can I Dye My Hair After Shingles

Hektomat ... typical?!

So - now I read once again at last, otherwise it is never what, huh? Wat nu iss held last time happened? Foljendes:

Erstma wa ick Jewes in Berlin, probably everyone already knows, but I manifested here again. For I am now the proud godmother of Simon: *

... and besides the proud host of the glittering party at the location whose name you'd rather not write down "loud" ... Small side note, I can not help me;) - the image is too seeing nicotine smoke I do not really miss now! Thanks to all non-smoking areas in the UK .... whatever ...

party was cool, cool that you all was there ... more pictures here of course : *

From there my life was already pretty topsy-turvy. I know everyone will say it: Beryl just typical! And I must admit it seemed pretty well known ... But somehow I had it really been so cool grooves in the relaxed rhythm of life, Scotland! How could this happen? - Do not know. Hope that the phase will end soon! So

Party / Party / Hiking / BeachBBQen (which I do still nen extra entry, I promise) and other funny things Visit ... Ste and then came to visit: *

... and we are beautiful by the West Coast (Wester Ross of Fort William and then to Inverness) geeiert. And the sun was shining and everything looked like in Tuscany - I know nobody believes me again now, but you must not indeed! ;). I know it's true!
... and there was SeaFooooood! ... B & B in secluded ... with super-wide view of bay ...
revel ...
So - another entry feddich ...
you soon! B.

PS: I had already told the! "I'm on a diet SeaFood - I eat everything ! I see "


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