Flowers of Madeira " Sun of Jamaica ... da da daaa dadaaaa "- or" Flowers of Madeira ... dum da daaa "- So there has ANY asked me:" And what else do you do before you begin the new job again ferry exchange?!? ... I've thought: Great idea, I board inside flyer!
You live only once, and finally the main thing you can then "My best holiday memories," write to NEN Blog ... - Was not that just the end of April but Billich NEN beautiful destination to find, so should there are Madeira.
island of eternal spring ... Joa, and it also saw ... There were many flowers schonmal chic: *
Otherwise one can not probably speak of spring ... the public more in the "autumn of life" is settled. Of course, all things German or English. Golfing or hiking there. Kirsty and I am hopelessly too young for all (s) ... and too friendly. (The Portuguese but shockingly displeased about tourists, you have to say!)
But the views were still great ... Walks on the beach ... If one can call it that, was indeed rather the stone and was quite narrow: *
And otherwise the island almost all mountains! (Almost like Neverland, huh?). We are even a day went hiking and have died laughing us up there in the mountains, the clouds hung and it has been raining and extremely cold was nasty ... for that we were not actually flown from Scotland to the south, but what the heck. Spocht must be!
A prospros Mountains: This also means that the island's roads are almost entirely of tunnels ...
... and the aircraft runway, the once funny and frightening "was short, was now simply out cheeky extended out to sea ... you can see it?
Photo Drive-by shooting off the bus ... Did the design but very impressive. Well now and again a beautiful picture of me before the obligatory sunburn ... giggle ...
was Short's ... But the new job was waiting so good and I could relax back to E-burgh ... on to new adventures! --- More
Maderia-Pics here.