Monday, March 7, 2011

Minute Amount Of Blood In Urine?

FCB-FCZ: A tragedy in yellow

The performance of yesterday's game, we received you as average to slightly inadequate. If there was a lot of hit too many bad passes and not much used to have many opportunities (both on both sides). Zurich was even more stupid and clever enough Basel.

But what ran in terms of yellow cards, was above all on page basler very questionable:
  • Cabral sees a rather unnecessary yellow card and missing the next game
    (for a card for a foul but still acceptable)
  • Free other hand, sees his card - which also attracts a lock to be - because he takes off his jersey after scoring a goal! That should not happen to him.
  • Similarly, Costanzo, who sees yellow because he leaves the ball in his hand the penalty area.
    (And was not, as in the media is wasting time. Otherwise there would be no free kick to Zurich).
    Such a map is unacceptable. He also is locked in the next game.
  • Continue with Shaq, who sees yellow for a swallow to the midline. Does not. After all, he is not locked.
  • Worse is really only Streller. After Ballwegschlagen the first time after an offside whistle still it comes, he does exactly the same nonsense again and will look but still yellow. (The fact that it was not offside 2x, does not matter). But it is locked not.

Whether the unnecessary yellow cards which led to a ban, have something to do with that is the next game is a simple vergelichbar (Bellinzona), we will never know. But over such a long championship 4 completely unnecessary yellow cards in a game are definitely too much.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Halle Berry Haircuts Catwoman

The navel of the world is ugly

So, the Tripoli-Atlantic (the mountains, not the ocean) coalition has arrived. After a lazy Sunday morning in the plane, absent-minded entertainment and two stricken hours in a queue at the immigration agency (to me a pardon came to mind for all the businessmen, who are those legs-in-the-belly-standing procedure must acknowledge in a regular sequence) was at last on the air of the east coast of America. Contrary as it were, breathed the breath of a Shmaje Columbus and its cruise line, the stories of James Fenimore Cooper and, finally, quite simply, the Kennedy Airport in Jew York. In short, a shuttle was invented, which has brought us into the wonderful meschigge Manhattan. It was very nice. And in all seriousness was found amidst a wave of yellow taxis, and the ever impressive monotonous Vorstadttum approaching forest of skyscrapers of New York "City." And slowly the rain was a ...
arrivals, luggage throw in the corner, away with scarf and gloves. For there is much that not only cold. Above all, it rains in these streams and string, that one has the feeling that it is doing here otherwise no different (O-tone of the host: In just six months it has felt about five days rained Bou). On the streets, goldfish could feel a fiddle (grossly understated).
Yes, and what you do with a part thereof afternoon, when it because of the imminent danger of terrorism is so long until you can into the country, it is pouring buckets and still close the museum soon? Right. Dissolve a Wochenabo in the metro and go shopping. For example, in a showroom of Samsung. All very modern and bright, bright blue, all in touch (even a 120cm TV, I will yet explain why I sure Angry Birds to play) and not all very understandable. Then there's a trip to a bookstore with Examinierung of Tschulent-pot cooking recipes and Jewish kitsch, the first root beer since 1999 and the first-principle debate, which will occupy the mind for the evening meal. Soon breaks out a first round of compromise, have won at the end of the white points: Estihanna, the slightly different Asian. Since you bring a stocky South Americans with greasy hair and an Asahi beer toasts you a friendly "Lechayim" too. Jew York stop. It has passed then to Asian ravioli as a starter, that name exists, but here is irrelevant. And the main course one is already a first time culinary pushed through the ceiling: a medium-rare tenderloin steak with Asian vegetables and teriyaki sauce bed. I nearly got up and sang Smir (Yom Se Mechubad).
On the way home he swims (3rd person: hamewin jawin) then back to the Metro station and get on the next train home. Then gets out, looks up and there confronts one of the most classic about 50-year-old Rastafarian with Marge Simpson's hairdo - and hanging from the pants Zizzit. As I said, Jew York stop.

PS. Thank you to the FCZ for our suffering. And within the most unfortunate sequence of Hassli transfer and injury of two strikers very short time (who could have guessed that already). The defeat Basel is in contrast not care and, above all, unfortunately, of course.
Thanks to the SF for the online contributions of cucumber Axpo League. Since then Lustrinelli meets almost opposite Gritti, after the introduction of even Bedenik has eingestreichelt so beautiful. Aha.