We were up one day up to St. Andrews ... and the next day, we have made Edinburgh uncertain ...

- So you see the following, Anne & myself before the Castle overlooking the Pentlands, photographed by nem Italian-Touri ... da grad no Japanese at hand!
And then you see a funny round, because at night we girls full combo in Mussel Inn http://www.mussel-inn.com/ dined dignified Seafood ... (As is still the nice joke: I'm on a Diet SeaFood - I eat everything I see) har har ... and thus made some rosé wine bottles flattened ... Sundries thrown together: (left to right: Anne, Berlin / Tania, Barcelona / Beryl / Sarah somewhere in NewZealand / Gosia somewhere in Poland / Linda, Sydney) *
Yummy! - The rest of the evening was even funnier and with more people and, of course, merry ... BUT since there are no Fottos, you will be spared! ;) * PUH *

long so ... B.